Alaska DOT- Serving Future Transportation Needs: Succession Planning for a State Department of Transportation Organization, Its People & Mission (2011)
Resource Summary: This project examines the employment of Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (AKDOT&PF) staff. The study focuses primarily on professional personnel within AKDOT&PF, but includes consideration of vital support personnel as well. The research is about getting and retaining a sufficient number of good people. The project report provides implementation recommendations that include the strategies, goals and tasks that AKDOT&PF can use to formulate an action plan to accomplish its mission in the future.
Change Forces
- Changing Demographics
- Competition for Specialized Skills
- Workforce Evolution
- Workforce Transitions
- Agility and Resilience
- Aligning Skills to Needs
- Attracting and Retaining
- Attractive Work Environment
- Branding
- Decline in Pension Benefits
- Funding and Regulations
- New Candidate Pools
- New Generation of Workers
- Project Management
- Records and Information Management
- Response to Changes
- Workforce Planning
- Workforce Management
- Succession Planning
- Recruiting and Retention
- Professional Development
- Employee Engagement