TCRP Report 139 Guidebook for Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Transit Managers for Fixed-Route Bus and Paratransit Systems (2010)
Resource Summary: As part of NCHRP F-14, TRB’s TCRP Report 139: Guidebook for Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Transit Managers for Fixed-Route Bus and Paratransit Systems explores resources for fixed-route bus, general public demand response, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit systems resources to assist in the recruitment, development, and retention of managers. The research results should serve large, medium, and small urban and rural public, private-for-profit, and private-nonprofit systems. The accompanying CRP-CD-77 is a useful tool for the development of job descriptions.
Change Forces
- Changing Demographics
- Workforce Evolution
- Workforce Transitions
- Agility and Resilience
- Attracting and Retaining
- Attractive Work Environment
- Job Descriptions
- New Candidate Pools
- New Generation of Workers
- Response to Changes
- Technology Adoption
- Workforce Planning
- Workforce Management
- Recruiting and Retention
- Professional Development