New Resources Added

Transportation agencies across the nation continue to submit valuable tools, resources, and references for addition to the Portal, keeping it relevant and increasing its value for state DOTs.  Below is a brief recap of the three newest updates to the ACB Portal Library and the KM Tools Inventory. The KM Tools inventory can be accessed through Shared Practices/Tools.

  • New to the KM Tools Inventory: Knowledge Transfer Tool (Vermont AOT)
    • The Vermont Agency of Transportation’s Knowledge Transfer Template tool is a great way to ease transition efforts, capture essential position information, and ensure institutional knowledge is transferred in a structured manner. The template and informational instructions are included in the Tools Inventory.  Information is also available on the TRB IKM website under Other Events at: AJE45 – EventsUpcoming
  • New to the Library: The Neurodiversity@Work Playbook Federal Edition
    • While challenges to staffing in mission-critical areas persist, many qualified neurodivergent people remain unemployed or underemployed, largely because of systemic barriers inherent in traditional employee recruitment and selection processes. This playbook is the product of a collaborative research project, the Neurodiversity and Employment Initiative: Initiating and Scaling Neurodiversity@Work Initiatives across Private and Public Organizations. This edition of the playbook reflects the collaborative efforts of the University of Washington Information School, MITRE, and Melwood.
  • New to the Library: Identifying Critical Knowledge Gaps and Assessing Organizational Readiness for Improved Knowledge Management (Tennessee DOT)
    • This report assesses TDOT’s knowledge assets, KM practices, and organizational culture to identify gaps and provide recommendations for a sustainable knowledge management (KM) strategy. With large-scale retirements posing risks to organizational knowledge, the findings aim to help TDOT establish effective knowledge transfer processes that support technical capacity, workforce retention, and innovation. The goal is to enable TDOT to evolve its KM maturity and ensure ongoing mission success.

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