The Resource Library

The Resource Library lets you browse and search for resources using the ACB Framework. Resources are indexed by the relevant Change Forces, Needs, and Strategies.




Search Results

  1. Online Training Resources for Transportation Employees
    This guide lists free or low-cost resources for providing continuing education opportunities for transportation professionals.
    National Transportation Library / 2020
  2. Promising Practices for Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine: Opening Doors
    This report reviews and synthesizes existing research on policies, practices, programs, and other interventions for improving the recruitment, retention, and sustained advancement into leadership roles of women in science, engineering, and medicine. It provides actionable recommendations to leverage change and drive swift, coordinated improvements to the systems of education, research, and employment in order to improve both the representation and leadership of women.
    The National Academies Press / 2020
  3. TCRP Synthesis 147: Attracting, Retaining, and Advancing Women in Transit
    The synthesis explores the strategies that have been deployed in transit and other related industries in order to attract, retain, and advance women in a variety of roles.
    The National Academies Press / 2020
  4. TR News, September-October 2019, Number 323
    This issue of the Transportation Research Board’s bimonthly magazine features several articles on the workforce topic, including "Help Wanted: People, Organizations, Jobs, and Businesses for Tomorrow’s Transportation,” "The Future Multimodal Workforce," "How to Win the War for Talent," "Building a Business Case for Increasing Diversity in the Transportation Workforce," and "The Future Is Now: Transportation Agencies and Their Capabilities."
    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine / 2019
  5. Transportation Research Circular E-C255: Managing Transportation Systems in a Fast-Changing World
    This circular explores questions about planning for the future in the rapidly changing world of transportation. Four experts offer their perspectives: a senior transportation decision maker; a transportation modeler; a trend spotter in transit and transportation planning; and an historian who specializes in the history of technology and the interaction between technology and society.
    Transportation Research Board / 2019
  6. Washington State Department of Transportation Knowledge Management
    As part of WSDOT’s Deploying Practical Solutions with Lean Techniques and Knowledge Management project, SPP assessed WSDOT’s current information management practices and recommended strategies for improvement. The assessment involved interviews with representatives of GIS, data management, information technology, records management, computer-aided engineering support, asset management, and the library.
    SPP / 2019
  7. State DOT Organizational Charts
    This webpage collects information related to transportation agency organizational structures and provides links up-to-date organizational charts for many state DOTs.
    National Transportation Library / 2019
  8. NCHRP 20-07 Task 408: Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Workforce – Skills, Positions, Recruitment, Retention, and Career Development
    The research will entail (1) review of educational programs and exemplary current practices for recruitment and career development, (2) preparation of model TSMO position descriptions, (3) preparation of KSA or PTQ statements for model TSMO positions, and (4) development of a strategic management framework for recruiting and retaining TSMO staff. The product will be a guidebook for DOTs and other employers and workforce producers to assist with TSMO workforce education, training, recruitment, retention, and development.  
    TRB / 2019
  9. NCHRP Synthesis 543: Transportation Workforce Planning and Development Strategies
    Estimates indicate that more than 14 million jobs—about 11% of civilian jobs in the United States—are related to infrastructure. Transportation workforce strategies are highly decentralized with no national standards for operations, planning, or programming. This synthesis focuses on the state of practice associated with the implementation of transportation workforce planning and development strategies at state departments of transportation (DOTs) and associated local and tribal technical assistance programs (LTAPs/TTAPs).
    The National Academies Press / 2019
  10. What is Organizational Excellence?
    This American Society for Quality resource defines organizational excellence. Information on organizational excellence models and organizational change management is provided. It includes links to books, articles, case studies and webcasts.
    American Society for Quality / 2019
  11. Workforce Planning Toolkit
    CalHR's Statewide Workforce Planning Unit provides helpful tools to assist and empower organizations in their workforce planning and succession management efforts.
    California Department of Human Resources / 2019
  12. OneDOT Data Shop
    The One Stop Demographic Data Analysis Tool is designed to give TxDOT personnel, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) and other transportation professionals a quick and easy way to access, and report general demographic information. The application was created for TxDOT by the Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research at the University of Texas San Antonio. It compiles data from several different sources, giving users the opportunity to access the information in one place.
    Texas Department of Transportation / 2019
  13. Public-Private Partnerships
    The Build America Bureau encourages the consideration of P3s in the development and delivery of transportation improvements. Early involvement of the private sector can bring innovation, efficiency, and capital to address complex transportation problems facing state and local governments. The Bureau provides information and expertise in the use of different P3 approaches.
    USDOT Build America Bureau / 2019
  14. P3 Program Overview
    Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) are contractual agreements between a public agency and a private entity that allow for greater private participation in the innovative delivery of projects. Maryland DOT utilizes P3s to leverage private sector expertise and mitigate risk for the state on large infrastructure projects. P3s offer an opportunity to tap new financing sources, and a new means to procure infrastructure, by partnering with a private entity to perform a variety of functions to deliver the project, such as design, build, finance, operate, and maintain the transportation facility.
    Maryland Department of Transportation / 2019
  15. Critical Issues in Transportation 2019
    The Transportation Research Board (TRB) identified and organized an array of important transportation issues under 12 key topics. In this report, which is updated periodically by the TRB Executive Committee, a series of challenging questions are posed to explore issues and opportunities that may arise 10 to 20 years into the future. Critical Issues in Transportation 2019 now includes addendums focused on COVID-19 and racial equity.
    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine / 2019